The attitude to MALE sexual abuse – A question for Colin Brazier of GB News

You all know that I was sexually abused by my father; that is fact.

If I had been a woman, it is guaranteed that he would have been arrested for historical sexual abuse but the police did nothing, despite me reporting it.

The issue with male sexual abuse is many fold. All of society do not believe that male sexual abuse is as important as female sexual abuse; that is just so very wrong

The police, even if reported to them, consider the reports of male sexual abuse with disdain as they all think that those who have been abused asked for it, are gay or are just weird.

Of course, if it is a woman who reports abuse, the police will jump through every single hoop and an arrest takes place within days

If any more proof was needed, GB News on “To the point” squeezed in a segment on male sexual abuse right at the end of their programme. If it had been about female abuse, it would have been number 1 or 2 on the list.

As a result, Neil Henderson of Safeline was cut off in mid sentence as they had “run out of time”. Patrick Chrystis said that GB News would get him on again but how many times have I heard that; he will not.

The entire production team is completely biased against men and have been brainwashed by years of woke publicity. They are supposed to be objective and anti political correct


Let me put a hypothetical questions to Colin Brazier, who runs the channel but is strangely not a director.

He has a number of daughters and one son; the ages of his son and daughters is irrelevant for this hypothesis.

What if his son was sodomised by someone and one of his daughter’s was raped? A dreadful prospect but a question that really needs to be asked.

How would he feel and he has to be honest about this, to himself at least? Who would he feel more sympathy for, his son, who maybe irreparably physically and mentally damaged or his daughter? I can guess the answer.

Published by David Hender (copyright owner- all rights reserved)

If you want to know me, you first need to understand where I have been and where I am going

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